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  • Алкогольная зависимость: как с ней справляются в Днепре?
  • Алкогольная зависимость – это проблема, с которой сталкиваются тысячи людей по всему миру, и Днепр не является исключением. В этом городе ведётся активная борьба с алкоголизмом, предлагаются современные методы лечения, которые помогают людям избавиться от этой пагубной привычки и вернуться к нормальной жизни.

    Алкоголизм – это не просто вредная привычка. Это серьёзное заболевание, которое требует профессиональной помощи. Многие люди, столкнувшись с проблемой зависимости, пытаются справиться самостоятельно, но без должной поддержки и лечения вероятность успеха крайне мала. Важно понимать, что алкогольная зависимость воздействует не только на тело, но и на психику, поэтому комплексный подход к лечению является ключом к успешному выздоровлению.

    В Днепре существует множество медицинских центров и клиник, которые предлагают программы по лечению алкогольной зависимости. Один из эффективных методов, применяемых в этих учреждениях, – это кодирование. Оно представляет собой процедуру, направленную на блокировку тяги к алкоголю, с помощью которой человек получает возможность осознанно отказаться от алкоголя. Однако, кодирование является лишь частью лечения, важно также проработать психологические причины зависимости и обучить пациента справляться с трудностями без употребления алкоголя.

    Помимо кодирования, широко применяются такие методы, как медикаментозное лечение, психотерапия и реабилитационные программы. В реабилитационных центрах города врачи не только помогают избавиться от физической зависимости, но и поддерживают пациентов на всех этапах выздоровления, обучая новым навыкам и методам управления стрессом.

    Особое внимание стоит уделить и поддержке семьи и близких, ведь успех лечения зависит не только от самого пациента, но и от окружения. Родственники играют важную роль в процессе выздоровления, они могут мотивировать и поддерживать человека в борьбе с зависимостью. Важно, чтобы близкие люди понимали, что алкоголизм – это болезнь, а не просто слабость характера, и что в этой борьбе необходимо проявлять терпение и поддержку.

    Каждый человек, столкнувшийся с алкогольной зависимостью, должен знать, что выход есть, и он находится рядом. Специалисты из клиник Днепра оказывают помощь на высоком уровне, используя как проверенные временем методы, так и новейшие разработки в области лечения зависимостей. Это дает надежду на успешное выздоровление многим пациентам.

    Если вы или ваш близкий человек столкнулись с проблемой алкоголизма, узнайте здесь, как справиться с зависимостью, и не откладывайте лечение. Помните, что важен каждый день. Профессиональная помощь и поддержка могут изменить вашу жизнь и вернуть радость без алкоголя. Клиники, такие как Мирный ДВ, предлагают индивидуальные программы лечения, ориентированные на максимальную эффективность и результат.

    Избавиться от алкогольной зависимости – возможно. Главное – начать действовать!

    Медичні послуги, здоров'я | Переглядів: 23 | Дата: 30.10.2024 | Коментарі (0)

    Mikhail V. Blagosklonny graduated with an MD and PhD from First Pavlov State Medical
    University of St. Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Misha V. Blagosklonny subsequently
    Moved to the United States, where he was
    Awarded the prestigious Fogarty Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health.
    Within the period of his fellowship in Leonard Neckers’ lab at the National
    Cancer Institute (NCI), he was a co-author of 18 publications on
    Various biomedical topics, like targeting
    HSP90, p53, Bcl2, Erb2, and Raf-1. He also was the last writer for a clinical phase I/II
    Trial publication.
    After authoring seven papers during a brief yet fruitful
    Senior research fellowship in the El-Deiry Cancer Research Lab at the University of Pennsylvania,
    Dr. Blagosklonny returned to NCI to work with Tito Fojo. Together, they
    Published 26 papers. In addition, Dr. Misha Blagosklonny published anumber of experimental research articles and theoretical papers as sole
    Author. These sole-author articles
    Discussed two crucial themes.
    The first of those mentioned selectively killing cancer
    Cells with deregulated cell cycle or drug resistance via
    Confirming their resistance. The results and underlying
    Notion were so revolutionary that they were incorrectly cited by
    Other scientists as “reversal of resistance, ” even though the work was
    Titled, “Exploiting of drug resistance instead of its reversal. ” One big
    Supporter of this concept was the world-famous scientist Arthur Pardee, with whom Dr.
    Blagosklonny co-authored a joint article in 2001.
    The second theme throughout Dr. Blagosklonny’s sole-author articles
    Is a research method to create knowledge by
    Bringing a few facts together from seemingly irrelevant areas.
    This results in new notions with testable forecasts, which in
    Turn can be “tested” via analyzing the literature further. Likewise, the
    Concept was co-authored by Arthur Pardee in a 2002 publication in Nature. The
    First success of the new research methodology was the description of the feedback
    Regulation of p53, as confirmed by the discovery of mdm2/p53 loop; and the
    Explanation why mutant p53 is always overexpressed, published in 1997. The most
    Significant outcome discovered by Dr.
    Blagosklonny’s research methods is the hyperfunction (or quasi-programmed)
    Theory of aging and the revelation of rapamycin as an exceptionally well-tolerated
    Anti-aging medicine, published in 2006. As mentioned in Scientific American,
    Michael Hall, who discovered mTOR in 1991, gives Dr. Blagosklonny credit for
    “connecting dots that others cannot even see. ”
    In 2002, Dr. Blagosklonny became associate professor of medicine at New York Medical College.
    He agreed to accept responsibilities as a senior scientist at Ordway
    Research Institute in Albany, New York, in 2005, prior to accepting another
    Position at Roswell Park Cancer Institute as professor of oncology in 2009.
    Since joining Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in 2009, Dr. Blagosklonny
    Has studied the prevention of cancer (an age-related disease) via
    Preventing organism aging — in other words, “preventing cancer
    Via staying young. ” His laboratory closely worked together with
    Andrei Gudkov’s and completed research on the suppression of
    Cellular senescence, namely suppression of cellular conversion from healthy quiescence to
    Permanent senescence. This resulted in the discovery of extra anti-aging
    Medications beyond rapamycin. The cell culture studies were
    Complemented by studies in mice, including several models like
    Normal and aging mice, p53-deficient mice, and mice on a high-fat diet.
    Dr. Mikhail Blagosklonny has also published extensively on the prevention of cellular
    Senescence by rapamycin and other mTOR inhibitors, life
    Prolongation and cancer prevention in mice, and combinations of anti-
    Aging drugs to be appliedamong humans. A
    Rapamycin-based combination of seven clinically available drugs has
    Been named the “Koschei Formula” and is now utilized for the treatment of aging in patients
    At the Alan Green Clinic in Little Neck, New York.


    Медичні послуги, здоров'я | Переглядів: 285 | Дата: 15.10.2019 | Коментарі (0)

    About Mikhail Blagosklonny

    Misha V. Blagosklonny graduated with an MD and PhD from First Pavlov State Medical
    University of St. Petersburg, Russia. Dr. Mikhail V. Blagosklonny has then
    Moved to America, where he received the prestigious Fogarty Fellowship from the National Institutes of Health.
    Within the period of his fellowship in Leonard Neckers’ laboratory at the National
    Cancer Institute (NCI), he was a co-author of 18 publications on
    Diversified biomedical themes, like targeting
    HSP90, p53, Bcl2, Erb2, and Raf-1. He also was the last writer on a clinical phase I/II
    Trial publication.
    After authoring seven papers within the period of a brief yet productive
    Senior research fellowship in the El-Deiry Cancer Research Lab at the University of Pennsylvania,
    Dr. Blagosklonny returned to NCI to team up with Tito Fojo. Together, they
    Published 26 papers. Moreover, Dr. Misha Blagosklonny published many of experimental research articles and theoretical papers as sole
    Writer. Those sole-author articles
    Discussed two important topics.
    The first of those mentioned selectively killing cancer
    Cells with deregulated cell cycle or drug resistance by
    Exploiting their resistance. The results and underlying
    Notion were so revolutionary that they were improperly cited by
    Other scientists as “reversal of resistance, ” even though the publication was
    Named, “Exploiting of drug resistance instead of its reversal. ” One major
    Supporter of this concept was the world-famous scientist Arthur Pardee, with whom Dr.
    Blagosklonny co-authored a joint paper in 2001.
    The second topic throughout Dr. Blagosklonny’s sole-author articles
    Is a research method to create knowledge via
    Uniting a few facts together from seemingly unrelated areas.
    This results in new notions containing testable predictions, which in
    Turn can be “tested” via analyzing the literature further. Once again, the
    Notion was co-authored by Arthur Pardee in a 2002 publication in Nature. The
    First success of the new research method was the description of the feedback
    Regulation of p53, as confirmed by the discovery of mdm2/p53 loop; and the
    Explanation why mutant p53 is always overexpressed, published in 1997. The most
    Crucial outcome revealed by Dr.Blagosklonny’s research methods is the hyperfunction (or quasi-programmed)
    Theory of aging and the revelation of rapamycin as an exclusively well-tolerated
    Anti-aging drug, published in 2006. As mentioned in Scientific American,
    Michael Hall, who discovered mTOR in 1991, gives Dr. Blagosklonny recognition for
    “connecting dots that others don' t even see. ”
    In 2002, Dr. Blagosklonny became associate professor of medicine at New York Medical College.
    He decided to accept responsibilities as a senior scientist at Ordway
    Research Institute in Albany, New York, in 2005, before receiving another
    Position at Roswell Park Cancer Institute as professor of oncology in 2009.
    Since coming to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in 2009, Dr. Blagosklonny
    Has studied the prevention of cancer (an age-related disease) via
    Stopping body aging — in other words, “preventing cancer
    Via staying young. ” His lab closely worked together with
    Andrei Gudkov’s and performed research on the suppression of
    Cellular senescence, namely suppression of cellular conversion from healthy quiescence to
    Permanent senescence. This led to the discovery of additional anti-aging
    Drugs beyond rapamycin. The cell culture studies were
    Complemented by studies in mice, including a few models like
    Standard and aging mice, p53-deficient mice, and mice on a high-fat diet.
    Dr. Mikhail Blagosklonny has also published extensively on the prevention of cellular
    Senescence by rapamycin as well as other mTOR inhibitors, life
    Prolongation and cancer cure in mice, and combinations of anti-
    Aging drugs to be used in humans. A
    Rapamycin-based combination of seven clinically available medicines has
    Been named the “Koschei Formula” and is now used for the treatment of aging in patients
    At the Alan Green Clinic in Little Neck, New York.



    Медичні послуги, здоров'я | Переглядів: 306 | Дата: 01.10.2019 | Коментарі (0)

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